kybun Joya Story


The Swiss ETH engineer and movement scientist Karl Müller III, long plagued by Achilles tendon pain, discovered the health-promoting benefits of walking on an elastic-springy ground in the rice fields of South Korea — where the idea of the first functional shoe, the MBT rolling shoe, was born.


Müller had always been deeply committed to advancing these shoes. MBT, however, started to evolve into a lifestyle product, which was against his principles and this forced him to sell it in 2008. In order to continue his concept of a therapeutic shoe, he established kybun.

kybun and Joya


At the same time, his son, Karl IV, founded the brand Joya - with the aim of offering healthy everyday shoes to a younger dynamic audience.

In 2022, the two brands kybun and Joya merged to further strengthen the healthy walking and standing concept for both young and old.